Positive Education
At Lockleys North Primary school we believe that all learners can and will be successful. Our vision is to develop a community of empowered learners who strive for success. Our values shape our vision, beliefs and way of being. Respect, Care and Concern, Honesty and Pursuit of Excellence guide every part of our culture, relationships, and teaching and learning.
Aiming High @LNPS
Gaining Your Wings (R-2)
Taking Flight (Years 3-5)
High Flyers (Seniors)
At Lockleys North Primary School we implement behaviour support strategies which provide a safe and supportive environment, where positive behaviour is encouraged so that effective learning and teaching can flourish and all students have every opportunity to participate, to achieve, and to be successful.
A common approach to student behaviour support ensures effective, efficient and consistent schoolwide practices for responding to student behaviour.
At LNPS appropriate behaviour is learned through explicit teaching and modelling across all aspects of the school experience. We strive to achieve this in partnership with families and the school community as we know a collaborative approach achieves the best behavioural outcomes.
We aim to:
- Enable all students to own their behaviour, and be accountable for their behaviour
- Promote and develop a culture of raising self-esteem, respect for others and positive relationships with peers and adults throughout the school
- Provide a supportive structure in order to maximize opportunities for effective learning and teaching to take place.
- Develop students’ understanding of responsibility for their own actions.
- Develop students’ skills in becoming problem solvers through restorative practices
The purpose of our school-wide positive behaviour education is to establish an environment in which students can effectively manage their own behaviour, and achievement is increased as a result.