At Lockleys North Primary school we believe that all learners can and will be successful. Our vision is to develop a community of empowered learners who strive for success. Our values shape our vision, beliefs and way of being. Respect, Care and Concern, Honesty and Pursuit of Excellence guide every part of our culture, relationships, and teaching and learning.

Learning in Reception

Starting School
Starting School
Starting school is a major life transition for both children and their families. Both challenging and exciting, it is a time of change in which children, families and educators adjust to new roles, identities, expectations, interactions and relationships.
At Lockleys North Primary School we ensure that each and every child is supported through the long-term transition process. We work in partnerships with families and early childhood educational settings to ensure effective and positive transitions occur, promoting resilience and independence. We actively foster responsive relationships with each child and their families, early childhood educators, as well as with each other, recognising the importance of continuity and consistency while acknowledging change.